As President of the Crescent City (LA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our chapter’s website!
The Links, Incorporated is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of African Americans and other persons of the African ancestry. Founded in 1946, the organization currently boasts a membership of more than 16,000 professional women of African descent in 292 chapters located in 41 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas as well as the United Kingdom.
The Crescent City Chapter was chartered in 1984 and we are proud of our rich history of providing transformational programming to our community. For more than 39 years, the Crescent City (LA) chapter has provided transformative and meaningful service to citizens in the greater New Orleans Area.
Our commitment to sustaining this legacy of service is reflected in five facets:
- National Trends and Services – addressing issues pertinent to our communities and the nation
- Services to Youth – undertaking the challenges faced by African-American youth
- International Trends & Services – helping to improve the lives and livelihood of the global community
- The Arts – supporting and promoting the performing and visual arts
- Health & Human Services – encouraging good health and educating the public while helping to eliminate health disparities in minority communities.
As we continue to build upon the strong foundation established in the New Orleans community more than 39 years ago, our commitment to delivering quality programs through our five (5) facets remains our highest priority!
I invite you to visit our website to learn more about the Crescent City (LA) Chapter. We are “Linked in Friendship and Connected in Service”.
Thank you for visiting and come back soon!
Yours in service,
Beverly Norwood-Matheney, Chapter President
Crescent City (LA) Chapter
The Crescent City Chapter of the Links, Incorporated, formerly known as the Suburban Arts Guild, is a diverse group of women with varied backgrounds, training, points of origin, and life experiences. This diversity of professions and life achievements enhance the quality of our work and provided unlimited opportunities to bring positive change to our community. The inception of organizing a second chapter of the Links, Inc. in New Orleans, Louisiana began in the 1980s with two friends: Janice Mathewson Brunette and Jean Allen Demas White. They shared many discussions regarding the expansion of services to address the diverse needs of the African American community. They believed that there were many talented women in New Orleans who could provide resources as well as their time and skills to enhance the quality of life in their city.
